Création de site pour fleuriste

Create a florist site

I am a small neighborhood florist and I really wanted to create a site so that my client can deliver flowers to their friend (s). I have computer skills but the problem is that I have little time and wanted an easy way to manage your content. Webgenie responded to this problem. Once an order is placed, I am alerted by email/ SMS.

On Webgenie there are many modules that make such image galleries to showcase my products or an SEO module to properly reference the site on Google. On top of that doing nothing the site is compatible tablet/ smartphone and it's really good. Thank you to Webgenie

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Create a site for an entrepreneur to help at home

I declared myself as self-contractor to get into the home help. I had to very quickly create a website that will serve me as a business card, but I do not know much about computing. I found on Google Webgenie and easily I created my company's website home help. Through my website I created forms of making appointments online and presented all of my benefits. My website is also a way to acquire new customers thanks to Google. Webgenie offers SEO module that playfully guide so that all pages...

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Creation site carpentry

After testing several free sites to create a site for my woodworking shop, I tested Webgenie and I&# 39; I was surprised to discover how easy it fast and intuitive to a website. To know that I have very little computer knowledge and yet j&# 39; was able to create a space in a few clicks to the color of my dreams. Webgenie met my expectations and within days my website was born. I attack SEO to be well positioned on Google and acquire new customers.

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